Sunday 4 August 2013

DESIGN - Designer or Dancing Salesman?

Bell rings. You open the door. There is a salesman standing. Very good looking, in a good dress. He makes a very impressive pose in front of you, then goes to another pose, then does lot of dance moves, very athletic, agile, macho and impressive moves and body language.

Will you buy the product/s he has come to sell?

Doesn't make sense? This is what we designers do many a times - in advertisement design, in poster design, in a tvc, in a multimedia presentation and so on. We try to show what all colors and layout skills we know, we try to show how arty and beautiful we can create, what all multimedia effects we have mastered.

Its no less than a salesman dancing.

The salesman could have moved you to buy the product if the salesman could have communicated rightly coined message in a most efficient and effective way. if Dress up, looks, most relevant body language and gesticulation, voice modulation all were being used to make the intended communication more effective.

Only that design, color, art, multimedia effect deserves existence in the commercial world that adds up to the intended communication and makes the message so effective not possible otherwise.

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